The Gobin Way

change makes you grateful.
July 27, 2010, 3:10 am
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do you ever have those days when you cannot deny how blessed you are? those days when it is so obvious that you are loved? today is one of those days for me.   I woke up this morning to a normal, average day and for some reason my eyes were opened to the blinding love revealed by so many people in my life.  It is such an overwhelming feeling to know that you are so loved, and even more overwhelming to try to comprehend the God that in the source of that love. 

here are just a few of many people that crossed my mind today:

Momma & Papa Jo

y’all have been my unconditional support system.  i turn to you for anything and everything, because i know it is your greatest joy to be my parents.  Both of you have help to mold me into the woman I am becoming.  You have taught me how to be confident in who I am and to always stay true to who I am.  you’ve taught me that it is okay to fall down, but I should always get back up again.   You’re phenomenal people.

Aunt Rhonda & Uncle Tim

“you are so sweet and beautiful!” You guys are so incredible.  Ever since I was itty-bitty I can remember looking forward to the days that I got to spend with you.  You have both gone through so much and managed to keep your heads held high.  Your support is something that I could not possibly replace!

Grandma & Pops

You have done so much more than turn me into a legitimate poker player :)…you have also taught me that well behave woman rarely make history! All kidding aside, you have taught me that grandparents are so worthy of my respect.  You have shown me what it means life to the fullest and not forget what really matters.  You are incredible people and I hope very much to be like you one day!

Rick & Suzanne Akins

You are single-handedly the most generous people that I have ever known.  Your relationship with one another is something that I admire greatly, and your relationship with Christ has been an incredible example to me and so many others.

My Rissa-ROO-Bear

Words cannot describe the  friend that I have found in you.   I don’t believe that I would be the person that I am today without in my life.  You challenge me in so many ways: mentally, physically, and spiritually.  You moving has been one of the hardest transitions that I have had yet, and that change has made me  so grateful for you.

Drew, Bobby, Chase, and Travis:

Boys,  you have turned me into a hunter, dancer, and “hoodrat.” Meeting you guys is by far the biggest perk of coming to UMHB.  You have all been my protecting big brother at times, you’ve kept me in line like a dad when I needed it, and loved me like a friend.  You are all such a treasured part of my life. 

Justine, Cortney, Kristi, Chelsea, Jen, Glynis and Kaycee:

You girls bring so much joy to my everyday life.  It is with you that I feel like I am completely at home.  You all have been a part of the extreme dance parties, the infamous road trips, the embarrassing moments, and so much more. More importantly, you have all been a helping hand in some of the most difficult times of my life.  You are all incredible women of God whom I admire greatly!

Ingalsbe Family

You are so much more than friends of the family, you are family!  Over the past several years your family has been a great source of fellowship, family, and friendship.  You’re a beautiful example of selfless people.

Danny  & Steph

Although, I don’t get a chance to see you nearly enough.  You have both change my life forever.  You help to mature in me a passion to know and serve Christ.  Your love for the Lord overflows in everything you do.

To Each & Every Blessing In My Life:

i think about some of the best memories in my life, and know that without you in my life many of those memories would not exist.  i think about the most challenging moments, day, weeks, and years of my life and know that i could not have possibly conquered them without you.  i think about me. and how each of you have played a part in showing me who i am and always encouraging me to be me. 

it is all too often that I neglect to appreciate who you are and all you do, so today I want you all to know how very thankful I am for you.  you are all such a vital part of my life and i love you dearly.  I treasure my relationship with each of you.

My Precious God:

Forgiven I’m alive restored set free
Your majesty resides inside of me
Forever I believe
Arrested by Your truth and righteousness
Your grace has overwhelmed my brokenness
Convicted by Your spirit led by Your word
Your love will never fail

I know You gave
The word Your only Son for us
To know Your name

roll out the red carpet…i’m back!
June 22, 2010, 4:21 am
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I was that really dorky middle schooler who wrote notes to all of my friends, and found 800 different ways to fold ’em up, always ending with a little flap that said “pull here.”  This should have been my first sign that I was destined to be a blogger.  I was never really good at writing stories or essays, but I have always really enjoyed writing letters and notes to those whom I love.  I got into the whole blogging scene for a short while, but felt as though it was a bit pointless; because everyone who read my blog also saw me most days of the week and knew what I was gonna write about before they read it.  However, a lot has happened since the end of my blogging career some of my dearest friends have gotten married, or are getting  married in the near future, moving, graduating, or we just keep missing each other because we are so darn busy.  All of that to say, that I feel as though this blog might be one way to remain a part of a community with those I love.

So cheers to blogging, lets hope this goes well!


January 6, 2009, 7:38 pm
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New Year’s Resolutions. I have never made new year’s resolutions that I actually carefully thought through, or had a plan to actually accomplish.  I think the last time I actually made a resolution at all was in like 5th grade when my teacher did a class project on new year’s resolutions. I have a really negative attitude towards new year’s resolutions, mainly because I know that a large majority of people only make goals and only push themselves one time a year; so there is no consistent goal setting or challenging of one’s self except for once a year, hence the reason so many people never follow through…it is simply a one time, short term goal.  The more I think about it though, I like the idea of new year’s resolutions.  I think it is a good time to set broad goals..and by living those out, kind of narrowing them down.

So here are my new year’s resolutions:

1. Manage money effectively & sensibly

2. Improve my over all the health (sleep more, eat whole grains, limit fried food, etc.)

3. Challenge myself physical & improve overall fitness level. More endurance, less strength training. (Run  half-marathon  & possibly triathlon)

4. Get involved in church. Find a place that keeps me coming back for more.

5. Set a better example for my friends, family, and anyone that I come in contact with.

6. Expand my vocabulary: hopefully by reading.

7. Relax more, stress less.

8. Be more optimistic and outgoing.  More encouragement towards people, and more outgoing to meet new people!

9. Rule out unhealthy relationships. 

10. Watch more, play more basketball.  If I am gonna be doing it for the rest of my life…better start keeping up a little more!

11. Find a spiritual mentor who can keep me accountable & can learn from one another.

December 29, 2008, 8:24 pm
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so, christmas is over; for me it never really seemed like it was here.  i have never been so unaware of christmas before in all my life.  this year there was just so much going on: moving, painting, working, finals, puppy, and all in a matter of a couple of weeks…sadly, i got so busy that i didn’t really get to enjoy much of the pre-christmas festivities this year.  however, christmas this year was a little different than usual for our family.  not anything officially different, just the atmosphere and attitude towards one another.  this is the first christmas that i have really felt like i was grown up, not a little kid anymore.  the first christmas that i didnt stay the night at my parent’s house. the first christmas that my brother and i went the whole week without being mean to one another. it was a good year.  my family didnt stress out about the tree, the food, or the event that christmas has become…instead we just relaxed and enjoyed one another’s company in the spirit of the Lord. 

i cant post about christmas and not mention the gift giving, so here goes it.  i already had received my main present long before christmas day, the new puppy, but there were still several things waiting for me under the tree.  my family got me a pretty sweet gps, that i absolutely love. momma bear and joe got me some new running clothes for the half-marathon, along with some new bedding and a few other small random things.  my g-mama also got me a george foreman, which i am pretty stoked about using! and pawpa gave the usual…$$$, which never gets old. cody got some pretty sweet gifts too, and for christmas he donated money to a missions fund in our name…a pretty awesome gift!! EVERYONE…made it out with at least one gift they love. including pawpa and his space heater, ha ha ha!

i was just not feeling the family poker game this christmas.  i think i played for about 10 minutes, but i just could not get into it.  after christmas lunch, i concked out on my momma’s bed with elli…and when i woke up everyone was leaving. at any rate, christmas was great, even better than usual.

btw. also found out that my aunt & uncle are going to try and adopt, they are starting adoption classes soon…so please keep them in your prayers! i am so excited for them!!!!

love letters, really?
October 16, 2008, 4:39 pm
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i have never been a girl who thinks about my wedding.  most girls i know have their wedding planned out pretty particularly and have for several years, with the ideas becoming more and more developed (usually more and more extravagant) as time passes.  that’s not for me.  not to say that i have never thought about my wedding day, because i certainly have; just not in the same obsessive way that a lot of girls do.  so much to my surprise, i saw pictures of this beautiful place on lake travis a while backand thought to myself “i would love to get marrried there.”  i was so suprised that popped into my head.  this was just the beginning of a chain reaction of thoughts that i began to process.  as dumb as it sound, that picture has really impacted me.  i began actually thinking about my wedding day…not the flowers, location, people, or dress; but, the man whom I will be marrying.  i have really tried to avoid that thought for a long time.  marriage scares me.  which for the most part, i think is a healthy fear.  choosing the person i am going to marry should frighten me a little i think, especially with just about everyone i know being or getting divorced. 

anyways…long set up for what i actually wanted to blog about, God has really place it on my heart that marriage is something that i have to prepare myself for.  i really felt likeGod was telling me that yeah, it might be scary to think about or process, but its something i need to begin doing.  so about a month ago now, i began this journey strictly out of conviction from the Lord…without really knowing what this whole thing looked like.  i began just by simply praying that God would show me how to do this. 

God really began a work in my heart.  since this all began i have done all kinds of things…from finding my weaknesses and strengths to looking at my relationships and how i interact with people.  God has taught me so much.  but my favorite thing is these letters i am beginning to write.  love letters if you will.  loving my future husband, by loving Christ right now.  everytime God teaches me something about marriage I write a letter to my future husband.  a lot of time i just write down my prayers for him.  a lot of times i write down goofy and meaningless things, but it has really changed me.  changed my views on a lot of things and certainly changed the way i look at men and the way I want to be looked at by men.  i am so excited to give my future husband these letters, so that he will know that i have been praying for him all this time.  i am so excited to see what God has in store.

so the girl who never thinks about weddings in now writing love letters to her future husband….which is kinda weird. but a reality that i have come to accept 😀

fall break.
October 14, 2008, 5:14 pm
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fall break, has indeed been a break for me.  i had been super excited leading up to fall break, because i was gonna get to go home with one of my best friends, Chelsea Dixon, to Houston.  i had been really looking forward to it for a while, but as usual…plans changed.  i got my killer headaches back about 5 days ago and road trippin’ wasn’t really an option at that point :[[[. of course, i am feeling much better now and have absolutely nothing to do…but study A&P.  i was super disappointed, but now i am super thankful to God, because i got a much needed break from the hectic and rushed life that i usually live.  fall break this year actually forced me to stop, rest, and take a break. 

i did get some much needed girl time in this weekend.  justine came home from hpu, since they too were on their college break…so, i got to spend a couple of really good days with her.  larissa made us an amazing dinner on saturday night &&& then we watched definitely, maybe?.  i also participated in relay for life this year, on a team with my coworkers…i had to walk around the track for an 1.5 hours in the wee hours of the morning, Sunday.  last night was girls night out with Cortney and both of our moms.  we hit up bj’s and then did a little shopping…it was really, really nice & a great chance to catch up 😀 while i did get a chance to hang out with the girls this weekend, i spent a lot of time all to my lonesome.  i did a whole lot of laundry and cleaning, which was surprisingly relaxing.  i also sat down and watched tv, which i NEVER do…I still hate tv.   all in all, it was nice to have nothing to do.

my makeup sabbatical…
October 9, 2008, 5:30 pm
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Over the past few months I have been trying to make myself a little uncomfortable.  I have always heard preachers and other people whom I deem wise make statements like “we’re just too comfortable,” “we need to stretch ourselves and make ourselves a little uncomfortable,” “get out of your comfort zone.”  I think I agree with this philosophy, but I have never really personally applied it for my life.  For me, comfort is consistent things in my life-the constants.  I guess I always thought that getting uncomfortable meant some sort of awkward one-on-one evangelism; however, I am learning more and more everyday that being uncomfortable might mean just removing some of those consistent things that I do every day…that are simply routine to me and allowing my days to be filled with whatever God has chosen, instead of what I choose to book that day.

So, I decided a while back that I wanted to try and do this whole uncomfortable thing, not really having any idea what that looked like.  So, here I am now…. a little uncomfortable.  I began this whole plan by simply asking God to reveal to me ways that I could be uncomfortable.  There have been several little things that I have tried to give up that make me a little uncomfortable, but there is one big thing I have given up…BEAUTY PRODUCTS. 

I started taking note of how much time I spent on certain thing in life, and noticed that my priorities and the things I spent the most time on didn’t match up at all.  I noticed that I spent so much time on myself and my appearance, all for the wrong reasons.  I spent at least an hour in the morning getting ready, 20 mintues in the tanning bed, another hour in the evening getting ready after working out…all for the wrong reasons.  I felt so fake once I really looked at how much time I was spending on myself.  I was spending so much time getting ready for life, that I wasn’t living life.   So…I gave up makeup, excluding mascara, until Thanksgiving.  I also gave up tanning and hair dye.  Talk about uncomfortable.  I have been going strong now for almost 3 weeks and at times it is very challenging.   It has been so great though, so great.  I know that for some people this might sound really dumb, but I have really grown in the past three weeks.  I have had to gain confidence in who I am in Christ, not the face I am  putting on.   I have had so much more free time, which I have never really even had before.  I was really uncomfortable with it at first.  Trying to explain to my friends that I was giving up makeup was difficult, especially the boys.  I had to admit to pretty much everyone that I was putting on a face for them and for their acceptance.  Just a humbling experience overall, but it has truly blessed me.  I don’t know that I will ever go back to wearing makeup again…

you should listen to this song…
October 8, 2008, 5:18 am
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“We Need Each Other”

Sanctus Real
I think I caught a glimpse of
Life without friends
Bitter, empty, hollow, dark and lonely
We never meant to hurt each other
So Can’t we trust again
And take it as a chance
To keep on growing
I don’t know why it doesn’t come easy
But I know that we could be happy
If we’d only learn to love
Oh oh we need each other
So what’s the fighting for
Oh oh we need each other
Please don’t close the door
Oh oh we need each other
Through all the highs and lows
Oh oh we need each other
Cuz no one’s meant to live alone
Life revolves around the need
Of having someone
Causing every complicated feeling
Oh and I don’t want to loose you
And there is nothing wrong with
Telling me what you need
To keep our love strong

It’s just a part of being a family
Taking the good with the bad and the ugly
If we could only learn to love

Oh oh we need each other
So what’s the fighting for
Oh oh we need each other
Please don’t close the door
Oh oh we need each other
Through all the highs and lows
Oh oh we need each other
Cuz I don’t want to be alone

Oh Oh we need each other
Fathers and Mothers
Oh oh we need each other
All your sisters and brothers
Oh oh we need each other
We need friends and lovers
Oh Oh we need each other

Well I need you
You need me
Cuz that’s the way
It’s meant to be
I need you
We need each other
(I don’t want to be alone)



September as a novel…
October 7, 2008, 5:25 pm
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Gee wiz, golly wolly, hip hip hoorah….I am so excited to have time to blog!!! I have been SUPER busy with school, work, and play as of late…that my poor blog has been well, neglected.  I am so excited to blog that there is a good chance that I will write consecutive, back-to-back posts today 😀 Prepare yourself for the novel that awaits you:

Let me catch you up on what has been going on in my life this past month.  Tests…of many different sorts.  Academically, spiritually, physically, and relationally. 

  • Academically, I rocked two of the hardest test I have ever taken (thank God for that) and I feel like for once I really earned a grade.  I have spent more time studying in the past 3 weeks, then I have in my whole life combined.   In the past I have really struggled to enjoy school, I have always really wanted to like reading and broadening my basis of general knowledge…but I never really seemed to; however, Anatomy and Physiology has completely twisted me around.  I am so intrigued, amazed, and often confused by the human body and how intricately and carefully designed it is.  A&P is officially the most complex thing that I have ever tried to grasp, outside of God’s love, and it is rocking my world.  At times I hate it, but I love that it challenges me and stretches me and I want to understand it.  On the other hand, my World History professor still bores me to death…not World History itself, because I really enjoy history (in some aspects), but my professor and I simply do not communicate effectively to one another.  Going to class is beyond pointless for me,  I write down TONS of notes, that are completely ineffective….when I try to look back over my notes,  I really have no idea what I wrote down or how all of it fits together.  I am more of a big picture person, I like to grasp the big picture and then try to break it down it small  pictures that are more defined; Dr. Issacs on the other hand, likes to give us little bitty tiny pictures and let us put them together ourselves.   Maybe that is how it is supposed to be, he gives us what we need and it is our job to put it together, probably, but I still don’t like it.  (Clarification: I don’t hate Dr. Issacs and I am not critizicing who he is or his teaching method….just saying that his form of teaching isn’t the best for me. ) Emergency Health care is still a breeze of a class, but educational at the same time.  We have learned how to give CPR and are starting to learn some basic First Aid.  Exercise and Sports Science is an awesome class.  Dr. Plunk is one of, if not the coolest, smartest, greatest professors I have ever had.  He is so passionate about what he does.  He has really began to change my perspective and forced me to reason through and justify some of the preconceived notions that I already had.  I really, really, really enjoy his class and I every time I go, I am reassured that I am in the right field of study!  I think at the moment I am maintaining my goal of all A’s for this semester…history is the only thing that is really challenging that at the moment, A&P lecture exam coming up next week (we’ll see about that all A thing after that).
  • Spiritually, I am growing.  I am learning that growing looks different for everyone.  For some growing means spending more time everyday reading the bible or praying, for some growing looks like forming an accountability group, for some growing looks like focusing more on service, for some growing comes in fellowship with other believers,growing looks different for everyone.  I never thought that growing could be questioning, but that is how I am growing in this season of my life.  I am not saying that all of those things I listed before are not crucial parts of every Christian’s growth (because they should be), but one might be a more prominent way of growth for someone.  For me right now that is questioning, I have always had questions…but never really wanted to ask them and certainly didn’t want to hurt my pride by admitting that I simply didn’t understand; however, I am learning that as I allow myself to ask questions…I become hungry for answers.  Questioning God and questioning basic aspects of my faith has really begun deepening my love for Christ.  I don’t really know that I said that very eloquently, but I tried.
  • Physically, my body is jacked up.  About 3 weeks ago, I woke up with a splitting migraine…pain like I have never felt before.  I had already been having some stomach issues and the combination of the two left me in a terrible mood and exhausted.  I let the headache go on for about 4 or 5 days, then I decided to go to the doctor.  If you know me, then you know that I absolutely hate going to the doctor….like hate, hate, hate. So I went and they ran some tests and gave me some meds…but the headache would not go away.  Turns out, the muscles in my neck and back were so tense and knotted that it was causing stress on my spinal cord, resulting in severe migraines.  Guess what the prescription for that is….MASSAGE!  So I went to the massage therapist and got a hot stone/deep tissue massage, that was very, very painful at times, but made me fell tremendously better almost instantly.  The massage therapist told me that I was if not the worst patient she every had, in the top 3 as far as muscle condition.  Clearly a stressed out girl who pushes myself a little too hard on the working out.  Needless to say during my three weeks of sickness, my working out was irregular and minimal…which means that my half-marathon training is now way, way off.  So it looks as though, I will have to push my race back a couple of months, so that I don’t break my leg again from shin splints by training too hard, too fast.  On a good note, I get a massage about every other week and I am feeling much better.   I have also been going to Cru Crunch on a regular basis (M,W,F) and can feel my core getting stronger.  I have been alternating leg/arm weight days with Chelsea Dixon and can certainly tell a difference in my strength level.  So as far as working out goes, I am on track; but, my eating habits as of late haven’t been all that healthy.  I have been eating out way too much and spending way too much money doing so.  I have also found a new love for cookie dough, I mean I always like it…but for the past couple of weeks that is all I wanted, I think I finally killed the sweet tooth though.  I have given up fried food completely now, all regular soda, almost all diet soda and carbonation.  I am working on giving up chocolate and artificial sweetener, but I really love tea and coffee with Splenda.  Goal is to drop about 7 more pounds before Thanksgiving.
  • Relationships are hard on any level.  This is a realization that I have come to as of late.  Friendships, dating, parents, coworkers…all come with different challenges, expectations, and demands.  I love people.  I am a big time people person, which might lead you to believe that I have an abundance of friends.  While I do have a lot of friends, I really try to avoid meaningless relationships at all possible costs.  Most of my friends, are best friends and friendships that I cherish.  I have been so blessed to have the AMAZING friends that I do have, oh my goodness, I couldn’t reiterate that point enough!  There are just a couple of relationships that I have been really struggling with lately, with friends that I truly love and adore.  I want to glorify God in every relationship I have and I want every friendship I have to be uplifting and encouraging in that aspect, but I am having a really hard time doing that in this specific situation.  I pray continuously about this and am beginning to have a peace that I have never had before.  While it a struggle, it is so encouraging to see God answering my prayers; even when the answer isn’t one I want.

Some other random things that have happened over the past month:

  • My parents are remodeling our house.  My mom and step-dad separated about 18 months ago and have been living in separate houses in Salado ever since then.  When I say separated, remove the picture you get in your head, because I can assure you it is anything but that.  Anywho, they are remodeling our house and making a space in the house for both of them that they can call their own.  I am excited and anxious for them, but also very nervous for the day that the are moved back in together.
  • My grandma had open heart surgery.  My grandma, who is spectacular, just had open heart surgery last Thursday.  She went through the surgery well and everything went as planned.  I hadn’t had a chance to see her on the day of the surgery, because of school…so I went this weekend after the football game to suprise her.  I drove to Dallas at about 6, got there at about 8:30, and then left to come at about 11.  I got home at 2:30 a.m., but it was totally worth it.  My grandma’s eyes teared up when I walked in and she was so happy to see me, as I was to see her.  She has a huge incision on her chest and stomach, which really scared me when I saw it.  She has a long recovery ahead, but things are looking up.
  • My birthday was September 26, I turned 19 (woo hoo.not.).  It was a really good birthday.  I got to spend time with my mom the night before and she took me to get a new camera, shopping, and to dinner.  The weekend before my birthday Drew and Bobby took Larissa, Chelsea, and I to DFW.  We stayed at Drew’s grandparents home on Saturday night and then we woke up and they took me to the Village Church (which I love, love, love)as a suprise and then we went to a Ranger’s game (we had amazing seats, thanks BoB).  It was very sweet of them and I am very thankful.  The Friday of my birthday I woke up to all kinds of suprises, streamers, banners, and a decorated car full of balloons.  Me and some girl friends went to lunch with my mom, then I played in Spike Fest with the boys and Jen, and afterwards Drew and Larissa had put together a suprise-ish dinner and get-together for me.  It was so nice, then we drove to Austin to go to a karaoke bar…when we got there  it was 21&up. 😦  I am still on a mission to find a karaoke bar &&& when I do, it is gonna be a heck of a good time.
  • I went dove hunting.  It was awesome.  I didn’t actually shoot at a dove, but I had so much fun.  Larissa,  Chelsea, Jeremy, Bobby, Drew, Cody, and I took a trip out to Florence and the boys shot at some doves and the girls shot at some clay pigeons.  It was so much fun, a great day indeed.

I could keep going, but I will save your eyes and time, and stop now! Thanks for reading and may you have an awesome and blessed day!               -Kels

September 2, 2008, 5:27 pm
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So, it’s been a while since I had time spare time to take part in blogging or anything else, so I am going to attempt to write down something interesting with the free time I have…not promising that this will be anything worth reading, but will hopefully serve it’s purpose as a de-stresser for me.

Well first and foremost, I have officially fully moved in to the new apartment on campus at UMHB.  So far, I am really enjoying having more than a dorm room that I can claim is my own. I do miss my mommy though!!! My favorite part thus far has to be having a kitchen and my own pots-and-pans, to at least attempt to create tasty concoctions.  I am really hesitant to get to settled in, because I am for sure moving out and into a house in December.  I am really trying to enjoy being where I am right now, but I am so SUPER excited about my new house and roommates! Chelsea Dixon, Heather Maulsby, and myself are moving into a slamming house in Mill Creek…the downside is that it is in Salado, which means more driving, but it was just too good of a deal to refuse.  We went and checked out the house last week and are gonna start getting it cleaned up and remodeled, so that when December gets here…we have a beautiful home to live in. We are most likely gonna be getting new hardwood floor and granite counter tops, so we’re pretty stoked about that.  We won’t live directly on the golf course, but you can see the golf course from our front yard 😀 WE ARE SO EXCITED about our golf cart adventures.  We are also getting a dog, I guess technically I am getting a dog, but all 3 of us our happy about it.  I am thinking about getting a pocket beagle, which is basically a miniature beagle…if it is a boy we’re gonna name it Gilbert Bo Jangles (long story)! Enough about that….More exciting news… I think I am getting a new car.  Which means better gas mileage!!!!! Honda Accord with only 11,000 miles on it…I think I can handle that!

As far as my marathon training goes…it is so hard.  So hard to stay motivated, so hard to find time to train, so hard to have self-discipline…but I AM GOING TO DO IT!  I am not running in October anymore though, because the one I wanted to run then is notorious for being the hilliest marathon in Texas, my thoughts about that are:NEGATIVE ghost rider.  So it is looking like the Rock N’ Roll Marathon in San Antonio in mid-November will be my best option.  We’ll have to see…

Classes started last week…uh!  I haven’t been in class long enough to know how I feel about most of them, but so far I really really really really really like my Intro to Exercise Sports Science class.  It is so nice to learn about something you actually care to learn about.  I am also taking Emergency Health care, which is also an EXSS class…it seems pretty lame and common sense, but necessary.  We get certified as a First Responder, First  Aid, and I guess it has its perks.  Human Anatomy and Physiology is well, required…. definitely going to be a challenging class.   My fourth class is World History to 1877, I really actually enjoy history quite a bit; however, I do not enjoy my nut case of a teacher.  He is so annoying and really enjoys hearing himself talk about sheer randomness!!!

I love my friends 😀 absolutely love and adore each and every single one of them! i am so blessed and i am beginning to see the value in each day and in each one of my friends! this semester is going great so far and i am so excited to see what is to come….

i am working on setting some goals right now, i’ll post about them when i finish the list :

thanks for reading, sorry for the randomness 😀 &&&&& have a wonderful day!